The pink moon

The full moon in April also known as the Pink Moon has arrived. Just in time for Easter this Sunday, how fitting, am I right? Todays April 5th/6th full moon, not only landing on my brothers birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE BROTHER!) also signifies the blooming of Spring time. Such a bummer it won’t actually be lighting up our dark skies in a beautiful pink lunation. The Pink Moon inherently gets its name from the correlation of the moss phlox, which is a beautiful pink wildflower that blooms this time of year. While we won’t be enjoying a colorful moon we can still appreciate the significance of springtime being ushered in with this full moon.

In truth, April’s full Moon often corresponded with the early springtime blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America: Phlox subulata—commonly called creeping phlox or moss phlox—which also went by the name “moss pink.” Thanks to this seasonal association, this full Moon came to be called the “Pink” Moon!


Of course we can’t not talk about the full moon and it’s impact on us emotionally/spiritually, if that is you believe in that sort of thing. So what does this full moon symbolize? Growth and rejuvenation my dahhhhling, makes sense for spring. Because the full moon is in the sign of Libra which is known for balance and harmony. This will be the perfect time to confront and release some old emotions and work through current relationships to find a little balance in your life. So on April 5th or 6th, because the moon won’t be reaching full illumination until 12:34am, do a little full moon ritual that sits well with you. Release those trapped emotions and tap into your healing energy moving forward. Don’t forget to do a check in with your close inner circle of people, as this is a time to focus on your relationships as well.

So whether you believe in the full moon’s effects or simply follow the almanac on when to start gardening, we all get a little something out of this full moon. So go out get hand your hands in the ground, plant some seeds and may be do little inner work as well see what comes up for you.

Happy Spring everyone!



The white moon cycle