The why, what and who.

Unravel was founded on the premises that women put themselves last, always rushing to get the next thing done off our never ending list. Whether you’re a busy mom, entrepreneur, career woman, or all 3 there’s always someone or thing needing our attention. Rarely is there anything left in the tank for just YOU to take a breath, a 5 minute hiatus and relax or UNRAVEL if you will.

This was a thought provoking conundrum for full time women’s portrait photographer Tiffany Marie.

Working with women on a day to day basis, listening to their stories and noticing a common factor of never doing anything for themselves. Admittedly, not doing much for myself as well. This inspired me to take a dive into a self care journey of my own. Through this journey I found that giving my body, mind, and soul the little extra care it needed; I felt happier, more self fulfilled and GOOD.

It excites me to find unique, wholesome, organic products to use every day. Creating a luxurious experience for all women to enjoy. This is how the idea of Unravel was born. Little conversations with friends, sharing cool, artisanal finds with like minded women I discovered a need for these items to come together in one place.

meet the woman behind unravel.

I’m Tiffany Marie; full time photographer and owner of Unravel. Yes, I juggle the two roles plus the roles of wife and the mother of 2 spirited little boys. I’m an admitted workaholic; this is not to be idolized. However, I love what I do and being able to pull together the two passions in my life is fulfilling beyond measures. I have learned to prioritize my life since 2020 ( I know, I know, a bit cliche) but the reality is life REALLY is far too short not to go for the things you want. For me that looked like opening a second business, spending more time doing the things I love including traveling and hiking with my family. I started taking better care of myself and that helped me have the energy to do ALL the things. The products I bring to you are products that I have personally picked and fell in love with myself and I know that you will too.

What are my favorite products?

Well, can I say all of them? Ok, no but seriously if I had to choose just one I’d say the crystal geode bath bombs. They are just the coolest little gift to your self or others, they smell divine and how cool is it to drop a little fizzing crystal into your nice hot bath to soak in all its luxuriousness?

ANNNND I’m going to sneak another one in here and say the F-Off slippers, because they are just a whole F-ING mood.